Category: Handmade Painting

  • Top 5 reasons to order handmade paintings online with Buttistore

    Top 5 reasons to order handmade paintings online with Buttistore

    Paintings have always enjoyed the status of the most popular form of art. With time, they have changed and evolved, all thanks to new technology and changing tastes. However, the one thing that remains the same is the beauty and allure of the handmade painting. A perfect blend of different colours, the painting exhibit a…

  • Canvas Paintings: Here’s everything you need to know about them?

    Canvas Paintings: Here’s everything you need to know about them?

    Art creates the impression of a more valuable home. If you think about it, without art, your home is missing an important component. Every interior that adorns it tells a tale of who you are and what you cherish and love! Filling your home with canvas paintings is one way to create a tranquil abode…

  • 5 Interesting Facts About Canvas Paintings

    5 Interesting Facts About Canvas Paintings

    As long as human life has been conscious, paintings have been around. Since time, they have decorated the home of the elites, the poor, the chic, and the noble and are continuing to gain popularity around the globe. From vivid oil paintings to custom canvas paintings, there is just something about them that gives a…

  • Handmade Paintings | Honour a loved one’s memories through Art

    Handmade Paintings | Honour a loved one’s memories through Art

    The one who loves us never really leaves us- this quote from the Harry Potter series perfectly describes the memories of your close ones. Even if you have lost them because of some misfortune, they are always there with you. And when you think back to the time you have spent with them more often…

  • How to turn your beloved moment into a custom painting to treasure forever?

    How to turn your beloved moment into a custom painting to treasure forever?

    A photo speaks a thousand words, while a painting tells a whole story. The story of cherished times, childhood pranks, shared laughter, and happy moments. Some stories are too valuable ever to let go of, and the photo prints fail to capture their unfiltered beauty. So, what’s left to do now? How can you save…

  • What Makes Handmade Paintings So Special?

    What Makes Handmade Paintings So Special?

    There is something extremely special about things that are brought to life with the magic of hands. Each item is a creation of love, effort, and skill. The artists put their soul into their work and there is something incredibly beautiful about that. And the same thing goes for handmade paintings. There is a story,…

  • How Can You Redefine Your Lifestyle By Hanging Original Handmade Paintings On Your Walls?

    How Can You Redefine Your Lifestyle By Hanging Original Handmade Paintings On Your Walls?

    Beautifying your wall with a huge painting will always bring a smile to your face. Where the enjoyment stems from both your love for the picture and your apparent DIY abilities in hanging it up. Each artwork will have its unique design, emotion, and story. Especially in the case of handcrafted unique paintings. As a result,…

  • Things That Remind You Of Who You Are Should Be Treasured

    Things That Remind You Of Who You Are Should Be Treasured

    Our memories build us and shape us, if it weren’t for the moments we treasure, the existence of human beings would have been merely insignificant. Hence, from time to time we should cherish our memories by paying a special tribute. Memories, nevertheless cannot be built on a lonely path, it demands the involvement of people…

  • Wedding And Women: An Affair That Never Runs Out Of Style

    Wedding And Women: An Affair That Never Runs Out Of Style

    Wedding season has a delicate influence on all women across the globe irrespective of caste, creed, and culture. The frenzy moment of excitement originates during the wedding announcement itself which then mutates to planning, shopping, and finally execution. Trendy poses are one of the bride’s most coveted and cherished possession, the bride hitherto gives full…